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Titre: Generative models for automatic multi-document summarization
Auteur(s): Bensidiaissa, Walid
Bouchetara, Rym
Mots-clés: Automatic Summary
Deep Learning
Semantic similarity
Date de publication: 26-oct-2020
Editeur: Université Blida 1
Résumé: In recent years, there has been an explosion in the amount of text data from a variety of sources. This data needs to be effectively summarized to be useful. Text summarization in natural language processing has widely been approached with extractive methods that stick to selecting parts of the original document to capture the main topic ideas. What has been less attempted is abstractive summarization. In our work, we focus on the latter type of automatic summarization. We performed a series of experiments to judge the effectiveness of abstractive summarization systems, whether or not they are applicable in a real context. Our choice went towards the use of the machine learning approach with models inspired by the architecture of transformers. At first, we focused on the extractive multi-document summarization, then we finetuned DistilBart, a recent model proposed by the Huggingface team, for abstractive summarization on different datasets and compared each of the obtained models with the basic model, and then between them. We also created an algorithm to be used during preprocessing. The objective of this algorithm is to replace similar sentences that are grouped in clusters by a single sentence belonging to that cluster. This algorithm also uses a model based on transformers. Evaluation is done automatically using the ROUGE scores. Our method, as simple as it is, has shown promising results since the scores were higher when using that preprocessing. Keywords: Automatic Summary, Abstract, Multi-Document, Deep Learning, Semantic similarity, Fine-tuning, Transformers, BERT, GPT-2, BART.
Description: ill., Bibliogr.
Collection(s) :Mémoires de Master

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