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dc.contributor.authorGaroudja, Salim-
dc.contributor.authorMakrelouf, Soumia-
dc.description4.621.1.082 ; 30 cm ; illustréfr_FR
dc.description.abstractThese last decade, a new range of portable devices on the human body was born, and a new area of research arises, namely Body Centric Wireless Communications. In a context where, apart from the desired transmitted signal, the receiving device receives significant level of unwanted signal coming from other surrounding transmitters communicating in the same frequency band, interference cancellation techniques must be implemented in order to mitigate this effect. On the other hand, to optimize the quality of the transmitted signal, cooperative diversity techniques ought to be incorporated. Keywords : Body Area Network; interference concellation ; cooperative diversity.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniv Blida1fr_FR
dc.subjectréseaux corporelsfr_FR
dc.titleAnnulation d’interférences dans les réseaux corporels et amélioration de la qualité du signal par diversité coopérativefr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires de Master

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