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Titre: Elaboration and characterization of Fe-Co based nanocomposites for aircraft coating
Auteur(s): Saou, Rania
Kechtil, Hiba; Otmane, Fadhéla (promotrice)
Date de publication: 2020
Editeur: Université Blida 01
Résumé: This dissertation is devoted to study the elaboration, structural and electromagnetic characterization of Fe-Co based nanocomposites for aircraft nanocoatings. After a general state of the art on nanomaterials in aircraft coatings, elaboration and structural characterization methods are approached. A particular interest is focused on the interaction between material’s medium and microwaves and the available methods to investigate this interaction (electromagnetic characterization methods). As application Fe-Co based nanocomposites are elaborated via the mechanical alloying process. Structural characterization is conducted using the Halder-Wagner theory (X-Ray Diffraction analysis) and Scanning Electron Microscopy. Finally, electromagnetic characterization is conducted in a metallic wave-guide associated to a VNA over the microwave X-band (8.2-12.4 GHz).
Description: Mémoire de Master option Avionique.-Numéro de Thèse 110/2020
Collection(s) :Mémoires de Master

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