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Titre: Identification des paramètres de la machine asynchrone triphasée
Auteur(s): Laadjali, Mohamed
Mots-clés: machine asynchrone triphasée
Date de publication: 2012
Editeur: Univ Blida1
Résumé: Genetic algorithms are methods increasingly used for solving some optimization problems. This work is a part, to implement a GA on the problem of identification asynchronous machine, and secondly, to compare its performance with the conventional method based on electrical testing and short-empty circuit. These methods are applied on an asynchronous machine power (1.5 kW). The results obtained from the conventional method are improved through a genetic algorithm, but we consider the starting current and the voltage corresponding simple input signals as output, while the squared error between the measured current and current was chosen as stopping criterion, these two methods to conclude the validity of the parameters and the performance of each method. Keywords: Induction Motor, Genetic Algorithm, Identification
Description: 4.621.1.124 ; 72 p illustré ; 30 cm
Collection(s) :Mémoires de Master

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