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dc.contributor.authorIbrahim, Abdalla Mohamed Hussein-
dc.descriptionBibliogr.- paper supportfr_FR
dc.description.abstractThis experiment was executed in a split randomized complete block design arrangement with three replications and four plastic pots used as an experimental units. The treatments consisted of two plant densities (D), (D1) one plant per pot and (D2) two plants per pot used as main plot, and seven fertilizers doses (F), (N0 K0; N1 K0; N1 K1; N2 K0; N2 K2; N0 K1; and N0 K2) used as sub plot. N0, N1 and N2 equal to 0, 0.46, and 0.92 g urea, while K0, K1 and K2 equal to 0, 0.42 and 0.84 g potassium respectively. The results showed that the higher density (D2) increased positively or significantly plant height. Contrary, number of leaves and branches (except in second season, at third and second readingfr_FR
dc.publisheruniv.blida 1fr_FR
dc.titleEffect of plant density and dose nitrogen and potassium on performance of green bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)fr_FR
Collection(s) :Thèse de Doctorat

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