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Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 161 à 180 de 1118
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2008Apprentissage statistiqueDreyfus, Gérard; Samuelides, M.; Martinez, J.-M.
1991Neural network models of conditioning and actionCommons, Michael L.; Grossberg, Stephen; Staddon, John E.R.
1993KADS: a principaled approach to knowledge-based system developmentSchreiber, Guus; Wielinga, Bob; Breuker, Joost
1984Expert systems: concepts and examplesAlty, J L; Coombs, M. J.
1994Fundamentals of neural networks: architectures, algorithms, and applicationsFausett, Laurene
1994Neural networks in computer intelligenceFu, LiMin
1989Machine Learning: principles and techniquesForsyth, Richard
1990Neural network architectures: an introductionDayhoff, Judith E.
1989Knowledge acquisition: principles and guidelinesMcGraw, Karen L.; Harbison-Briggs, Karan
1993The Engineering of knowledge based systems: theory and practiceGonzalez, Avelino J.; Dankel, Douglas D.
1995Artificial intelligence: a modern approachRussell, Stuart; Norvig, Peter
1998Artificial Intelligence: structures and strategies for complex problem solvingLuger, George F.; Stubblefield, William A.
1997Artificial neural networksSchalkoff, Robert
1991A Practical guide to neural netsNelson, Marilyn McCord; Illingworth, W. T.
1986Prolog programming for artificial intelligenceBratko, Ivan
1983Build your own expert systemNaylor, Chris
1999Introduction to expert systemsJackson, Peter
1984Catalogue of artificial intelligence toolsBundy, Alan
1991A practical guide to knowledge acquisitionScott, Carlisle A.; Clayton, Jan E.; Gibson, Elisabeth L.
1990Handbook of neural computing applicationsMaren, Alianna J.; Harston, Craig T.; Pap, Robert M.
Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 161 à 180 de 1118