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Élément Dublin CoreValeurLangue
dc.contributor.authorBachouche, Azzeddine-
dc.contributor.authorKaramostefa, khelil sid-ali-
dc.description4.621.1.186 ; 56 p illustré ; 30 cmfr_FR
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this project is to design a line follower robot. To achieve this operation the robot movements will be based on the use of the CNY70 optical sensors which are placed on board of the robot. These will transmit and receive infra red signals whose amplitude will depend on the light intensity below the robot chassis. Robot autonomous, a line follower robot, optical sensors CNY70fr_FR
dc.publisherUniv Blida1fr_FR
dc.subjectRobot autonome, suiveur de ligne ,capteur optiquefr_FR
dc.titleRéalisation d’un robot mobile suiveur de ligne a base de capteur optique connecté sur bus I 2 Cfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires de Master

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