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Titre: Etude et implémentation sur FPGA d'un contrôleur MPPT flou appliqué à un générateur photovoltaïque
Auteur(s): Aberkane, Amel
Draissi, Samiha
Mots-clés: Système photovoltaïque, Poursuite du point de puissance maximale
Date de publication: 2014
Résumé: The work described throughout this manuscript deal with the overall context of the improvement performance of a standalone photovoltaic (PV) system. And assuming that in given environmental conditions: a photovoltaic generator can deliver a maximum power only for particular values of voltage and current, we have developed an optimized design, which was followed by a hardware implementation non a programmable digital circuit:"FPGA", of a fuzzy controller dedicated to the automatic and instantaneous tracking of this maximum power point commonly called "MPPT
Description: 4.621.1.232 ; 88 p illustré ; 30 cm
Collection(s) :Mémoires de Master

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