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dc.contributor.authorLazaref, Kheireddine-
dc.contributor.authorZerfa, Abderezzak-
dc.description621.1109 ; 98 pfr_FR
dc.description.abstractBees (Anthophila) form a clade of hymenopteran insects of the Apoid superfamily. At least 20,000 species of bees are listed on the planet, including about 2,000 in Europe. Europe, the most well-known species is Apis mellifera, which, like most honey bees, belongs to the genus Apis. However, the majority of bees do not produce honey, they feed on the nectar of flowersfr_FR
dc.publisherUniv Blida1fr_FR
dc.titleDesign and realization of anti-varroa system " varroa firewall " based on computer vision and electromechanical isolatorfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires de Master

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