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dc.contributor.authorLouali, Farah-
dc.contributor.authorKhadimi, Chahine-
dc.description.abstractNowadays, the pharmaceutical industry is increasingly faced with many difficulties in an ever-changing environment. To address this, companies find their place in the optimization of their operations and the continuous improvement of their management systems in order to maintain the sustainable performance framework. In this competitive context, NOVONORDISK (LMB) is turning to the Lean Management approach to achieve a total elimination of wasted time. One of its commitments is the SMED project. The implementation of this approach aims to reduce the time parameter in the process studied (batch change) in the packaging line. The application of the SMED tool was implemented on different cases of batch change which allowed an optimization of working time following a set of actions put in place. The applied approach of Lean Management at the level of the production department, has allowed the improvement of working time and increased productivity.fr_FR
dc.publisherblida 1fr_FR
dc.subjectLean, SMED, continuous improvement, LMB, (Batch changeover).fr_FR
dc.titleApplication d’un outil d’amélioration continue « SMED » pour l’optimisation du temps de production (conditionnement secondaire) Cas Novo Nordiskfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires de Master

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