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Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 361 à 380 de 476
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
1996Growth and sugar accumulation in durum wheat plants under water stressKameli, A.
1997Mechanical impedance of root growth directly reduces leaf elongation rates of cerealsYoung, I.M.
1996Identification of a sperm cell attribute responsible for subfertility of roosters homozygous for the rose comb alleleMcLean, Derek J.
1990Hybridization studies using Australian C4 artiplex species and the C3 species A. prostrataBielig, L. M.
1991High frequencies of fertilization and haploid seedling production in crosses between commercial hexaploid wheat varieties and maizeLaurie, D. A.
1994Haploid regeneration from tetraploid wheat using maize pollenSarrafi, Amrani
1995Genotype effect and histocytological events in relation to embryo formation after intergeneric crosses between durum wheat (triticum turgidum desf. var durum) and maize (zea mays L.) or teosinte (zea mays L. ssp mexicana)Dusautoir, J. C.
1991Genome-wide reduction in recombination of backcross progeny derived from male versus female gametes in an interspecific cross of tomatoDe Vicente, M. C.
1994Fertilité et fertilisation dans la région sud du MaliCretenet, M.
1995Fertilité des sols savanes et systemes de culture en répubique centrafricaine. II insensification des productions et protection du milieu naturelRichard, Louis
1995Fertility of male and fermale broiler breeders following exposure to elavated ambient temperaturesMcdaniel, Christopher D.
1992Evaluation expérimentale de différents systèmes de culture incluant l'arachide en Afrique de l'ouest (1)Cattan, P.
1991Enviromental effects on bacterial count from grapevine nurseries in JordanAl-Momani, Fouad
1993Effects of humidity and ca level on dry-matter and ca accumulation by leaves of cucumber (cucumis sativus L.)Adams, P.
1992Effect of alkali pretreatment on degradation of some cellulosic wastes by aspergillus sydowiiGhareib, Mohamed
1994Effect of water deficit on accumulation of dry Matter, carbon and nitrogen in the kernel of wheat genotypes differing in yield stabilityKhanna-chopra, Renu
1991Energy supplementation of straw-based dietsPinosa, M.
1987Possibilités de complémentation de la paille par du sérum de luzerneTisserand, J.L.
1995Thirteen pear species and cultivars evaluated for resistance to cacopsylla pyri (homoptera psyllidae )Berrada, S.
1993Straw feeding value in sheep and goatsTisserand, J.L.
Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 361 à 380 de 476