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dc.contributor.authorBenmouffok, Said Oualid-
dc.contributor.authorLounas, Mohamed Sofiene-
dc.descriptionill., Bibliogr.fr_FR
dc.description.abstractChatbots are software-based systems designed to interact with humans using text-based natural language. They first appeared in the 1960s, many years passed till the world became ready for their implementation into the real life, as a result of the rapid progress in Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, and the global presence of text messaging applications. Chatbots are so trendy nowadays, they are being exploited in many aspects, like products recommendation for instance, but their main weakness is that their domain of knowledge is narrow, and it is nearly impossible to create a Chatbot that can tackle multiple domains with today’s knowledge, and thus each Chatbot is created differently to fit the requirements of the specific aspects it is put in. This thesis represents a practical case of a Chatbot deployed for video games recommendation, as supposedly, the field of video games has not been fully exploited yet. The Chatbot uses a combination of traditional Natural Language Processing mixed with other modern techniques such as Neural Networks. The thesis also shows how it is possible to reduce the amount of text data needed to obtain a relatively good intent classification model, by using the semantic similarity of words, or in other words, multi-dimensional meaning representations of words. Keywords: Conversational Agents, Chatbots, Recommender Systems, Contextmanagement, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité Blida 1fr_FR
dc.subjectConversational Agentsfr_FR
dc.subjectRecommender Systemsfr_FR
dc.subjectMachine Learningfr_FR
dc.subjectNatural Language Processingfr_FR
dc.titleCreation of a Chatbot for video games recommendation with NLPfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires de Master

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