During the SARS-COV-2 pandemic several healthcare professionals were
aªected by covid 19.
To describe the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of the caregivers
with covid19 practising at the Blida University Hospital from 18/03 to
This descriptive study focused on caregivers who were qualified as probable
or definite cases between 18/03/2020 and 08/09/2020. At the University
Hospital Center (CHU) of Blida, all caregivers who presented clinical
symptoms in favor of covid were systematically confirmed by the SARS-CoV2
reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) on rhinopharyngeal
swab, or failing that, by a CT scan.
The Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine Department (SEMEP) was
responsible for notifying confirmed or probable cases, confining contact
subjects, and monitoring their clinical evolution in collaboration with the
attending physician and the occupational physician. The data were analyzed
by the SPSS so ware (20th version) and by Open Epi Calculator (Open Source
Epidemiologic Statistics for Public Heath, www.OpenEpi.com).
The results are as follows:
A total of 183 healthcare workers were aªected by covid19 , CoV-2-SARS
infection was present in 5% of the healthcare workers; 8 cases or 4.4% met the
definition of a definite case and were confirmed by RT-PC, The mean age was
41.8 years ± 10.47 in both sexes.
The distribution of caregivers aªected by covid19 among service staª was
unevenly distributed, with staª from the medical-surgical emergency department
the first
position with 10.2% each.
In addition, the distribution of covid19 was also heterogeneous within
occupational categories, with half of the caregivers being nurses and orderlies
with 50% of the cases. RÉSUMÉ
Durant la pandémie du SARS-COV-2 plusieurs professionnels de la santé ont
été atteints par le COVID 19.
Décrire les caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques des soignants
atteints de la covid19 exerçant au CHU de Blida de la période allant du 18/03
au 08/09/2020.
Cette étude descriptive portait sur le personnel soignant étant qualifié
comme un cas probable ou un cas certain entre le 18/03/2020 et le
08/09/2020.Au centre hospitalo-universitaire (CHU) de Blida, tous les
soignants ayant présenté des symptômes cliniques en faveur de la covid
étaient systématiquement confirmés par la reverse transcription –polymérase
Chain réaction RT-PCR) SARS-CoV2 sur écouvillonnage
rhino-pharyngé,ou a défaut par un scanner.