This thesis is developed as part of a graduation project for obtaining a Master 2 degree
in architecture. It is part of the "Architecture of Habitat and Technology" option and is spread
over three essential phases. First, the search for landmarks for the formulation of the idea of the
project, then its materialization and finally its realization.
The project aims to design a luxury hotel in Tipaza. and invests the issue of the
relationship between architecture and identity. Key factors have been taken into account for its
development. These are essentially the components of the context and the specificities related
to the theme.
The contextual elements are addressed through three scales of intervention: territorial
scale, urban scale and local scale. The theme of the project concerns the theoretical references
particularly related to the project theme, the reference and the definition of the project. The
purpose of these benchmarks is to formulate the concepts and principles of the project.
The materialization of the project aims at the elaboration of the sketch. It is carried out
according to three levels of conception: the plan of mass, the internal organization of spaces
and the architecture of the project.
The realization of the project concerns its technical feasibility. It is based on specific
structural and technological choices aimed at ensuring the stability of the project, its fire safety
and the comfort of its inhabitants.