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dc.contributor.authorYagoub Mankour, sofiane; Kouider Elouahed, Boulenouar (promoteur); Yagoub, Reda (promoteur)
dc.descriptionMémoire de Master option Avionique .-Numéro de Thèse 147/2020fr_FR
dc.description.abstractThis project focuses on building a hand gesture controller. In the recent years, quadrotor style drones are becoming more and more popular since they are small, convenient, and low-cost. Many innovative applications in di erent realms, including photography, architecture, and rescue, are invented with drone technology. However, the traditional controller of drones requires both hands and is bulky, which is inconvenient in most situations. A hand controller will be helpful for those pilots who have only one hand available to control a drone. At the same time, the gesture control system o ers a simpler way to drive a drone. This control system will enhance both the pilots' and others' safety. Also, driving a drone will become friendlier to newcomers because of this intuitive controller. This project includes two parts: a gesture controller, and a test environment. The test environment for this project will be a quadrotor simulator. Then, the gesture controller will be built and tested on this simulator. The gesture controller includes a 9 Degrees of Freedom Inertial Measurement Unit (9 DOF IMU), and arti cial intelligence processing unit. The 9 DOF will collect the user's hand gesture. Then, the AI processing unit will predict the hand movement and store all those data as input, and then generate correct command to the quadrotor. Finally, the command will sent to the drone and control it.fr_FR
dc.publisherUniversité Blida 01fr_FR
dc.titleHand gesture controlled quadrotorfr_FR
Collection(s) :Mémoires de Master

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