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Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 21 à 40 de 165
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2021-07Epidemiological profile of hemodialysis patients infected with SARS-CoV-2Kastali, M.; Benrabeh, K.; Kada, A.Y.; Benkacimi, N.; Beldjazia, C.; Saad Djaballah, J.; Boudlal, M.; Chater, F.; Boudahdir, A.; Hamidat, M.
2020-10Acute ethmoiditis of the childBentebbiche, T.; Daoud, F.; Bencheikh, M.; Ouennoughi, K.
2020-10Epidemiological and clinical characteristics ofhealthcare workers with SARS-Cov-2 at the University Hospital Center (CHU) of Blida, AlgeriaBouamra, A.; Elkeboub, A.; Amimer, A.; Bouhamed A. Bachir Cherif 4, R.; Boukara, Z.; Bachir Cherif, A.; Bezzaoucha, A.
2020-10Breast cancer and primary and secondary ovarian tumors, predictable but problematic associationHachemi, T.; Fekhar, D.; Si ahmed, K.; Bouneb, C.; Ibagherach, R.; Azouaou, A.
2020-10Breast reconstruction after cancerMeziani, Y.; Ait-Arab, M.R.; Bendjebbar, K.
2020-10Utérine metastasis from breast cancer : case report and literature reviewKhatri, D.J.; Meziani, Y.; Meziani, Y.; Ait-arab, M.R.; Bouchelouche, H.; Bendjebbar, K.; Faidi, I.; Ouahioune, W.; Boudjella, A.E.; Guidoum, M.
2020-10The urodynamic assessmentfor whom ? What purpose ? How ? What limits ?Arbaoui, S.; Boukara, Z.; Mecheri, H.; Nouar, A.C.
2021-07Scoliosis and dentofacial orthopedicsKheroua, A.; Meddah, S.; Benabdellah, D.; Cherair, K.; Mouaizia, A.
2012JFMB (Journal of the Faculty of Medicine of BlidaFaculté de Medecine, Blida 1
2020-10L’échographie au service de l’anesthésie locorégionaleAbed, L.; Benzemrane, M.A; Hamdaoui, T.; Amroun, A.
2020-10Secondary lymphedema and our management protocolBoukara, Z.; Arbaoui, S.; Bouamra, A.; Bounedjar, A.; Ayad, M.; Bachir Cherif, A.; Maouche, L.; Benzaoui, S.; Louazani, H.; Bouitna, B.; Khadraoui, M.; Nouar, A.C.
2020-10The “folie à deux” invites herself in forensic psychiatry, about a caseOtmane Telba, C.; Ali-Bachir, R.; Chenaoui, K.; Bencharif, M.A.
2020-10Securing the reduction of the dosage, case of the preparatory pharmacy of CHU Blida.Djermoune, S.; Benaziz, O.; Ayachi, N.; Zabari, K.; Hariti, N.; Ayoune, Y.; Ghanassi, F.Z.; Kedji, L.
2020-10Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of severe Covid-19 Intensivecare units-admitted patients in the University Hospital of Blida- Algeria.Bouamra, A.; Elkeboub 1, A.; Ammimer, A.; Dahnene 1, S.; Sahraoui, K.; Bouhamed, A.R.; Boukara, Z.; Saada, Y.; Bezzaoucha
2020-10Glycemic control of diabetic patients with iron deficiency anemia, HbA1c or Fructosamine, which marker should we use?S. Meherhera, S.; Kebour, A.; Taiar, YM.; Abdi, S.
2020-10Combined effect of inflammation and metabolic syndrome on microalbuminuria in hypertensive subjectsBennouar, S.; Bachir Cherif, A.; Abdi, S.; Mohammed Belkebir , N.E. B. Asseme , M.T. Bouafia .; Asseme, B.; Bouafia ., M.T.
2020-10Dangerosity in schizophrenia, what clinico-immunological aspects?Mezoued, E.S.; Otmanetelba, C.; Bezari, A.; Zaabat, N.; Metatla, S.; Djaafri, S.; Houhat, N.; Attal, N.; Salah, S.; Bencharif, M.A.; Tamouza, R.
2020-10Post-traumatic brain death. (Neurosurgery department of Blida University Hospital Experience)Bouyoucef, K.A. 1 , M. Kastali 2 , K. Sahraoui 1 .; Kada, A.Y.; Kastali, M.; Sahraoui, K.
2020-10The Bacteriological Profile of the Oral Flora of Totally Edentulous Patients at Blida Dental ClinicAmmar Boudjellal 1, H.; Melzi, M.A.; Berouaken, S.; Meddah, S.; Abdi, S.; Bounedjar, A.
2020-10Effects of the multiloop edgewise arch-wire device in open-bite correction on the occlusal plane in permanent toothing. epidemiological study.Dahmas, R. S. Meddah; Meddah, S.; Atrouche, O.
Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 21 à 40 de 165