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Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 81 à 100 de 476
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
1990Callus induction and proliferation in thymus mastichima explantsOntanon, Roberto
1999Nutrient composition and in vitro digestibility of leaves of some wild and cultivated trees of balochistan for ruminant livestockNiazi, Rahim M.
1990In vitro culture of pistacia vera L. embryos and aged trees explantsGonzalez, A.
1992Effects of temperature and wetness duration on infection of pistachio by botryosphaeria dothidea and management of disease by reducing duration of irrigationMichailides, Themis J.
1990Behaviour of cotyledonal plastids during seed germination in some chloroembryophytesRascio, Nicoletta
1997Etude de la répartition spatiale d'empoasca vitis goethe (homoptera, typhlocybidae) et apports pour l'échantillonageFos, A.
1994Tomatoes respond to simple drip irrigation schedule and moderate nitrogen imputHartz, Thimoty K.
1991Meeting the nitrogen needs of processing tomatoes through winter cover croppingStivers, Lydia
1994Ethylene evolution by tomatoes stressed by ammonium nutritionBarker, Allen V.
1987f vaginal sponge impregnated with progestogen on Estrus induction and lambing rate in seasonally anestrous ewesFukui, Yutaka
1994Comparison of the intake and digestibility of different diets in llamas and sheepDulphy, J.P.
1995Peripheral odour perception by adult aphid forms with the same genotype but different host-plant preferencesHardie, Jim
1997Semiochemicals of stored-product insectsPhillips, Thomas
1996Action of tannic acid on consumption and utilisation of food by ectomyelois ceratoniae zeller (lepidopteraAl-izzi, Mohammed A.J
1979The influence of photoperiod on the life-cycle of ectomyelois ceratoniae( zeller) (lepidoptera pyralidae)Cox, P.D.
1994Identification of volatile compounds from fungus-infected date fruit that stimulate upwind flight in female ectomyelois ceratoniaeCossé, Allard A.
1998The phytopathologenic mollicute-insect vector interfaceFletcher, Jacqueline
1998Developement and use of an etablished cell line of the leafhopper circulifer tenellus to characterize spiroplasma citri-vector interactionsWayadande, Astri C.
1998Purification, cloning, and preliminary charactérisation of a spiroplasma citri ribosomal protein with DNA binding capacityLe dantec, Loik
1999Effect of lycopene on lipid peroxidation and glutathione-dependent enzymes induced by T-2toxin in vivoLeal, Myriam
Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 81 à 100 de 476