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Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 61 à 80 de 476
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
1997Essential Oil of sage (Salvia officinalis L.) grown cubaPino, Jorge A.
1996Dalmatian sage. Part 1 Differing oil yields and compositions from flowering and non-flowering accessionsPerry, Nigel B.
1994Effect of fungicide and biological control treatments on germination, survival and growth of beech seedlingsFoffova, Elena
1996Etude comparative de la valorisation des fourrages pauvres chez l'âne et le mouton. Ingestibilité et digestibilitéOuedraogo, T.
1987Application on a C-45-B carotene as an internal standard for the quantification of carotenoids in yellowKhachik, Frederick
1995Activated oxygen production and detoxification in wheat plants subjected to a water deficit programmeMenconi, M.
1995Increasing efficiency of fertilizer phosphorus through addition of organic amendments in groundnutTrivedi, B.S.
1995Experimental per Os application of probiotics lactiferm in pullets and laying hensKoudela, K.
1997Performance of growing lambs fed two levels of concentrate with conventional or macerated timothy hayPetit, Hélène V.
1996Action of tannic acid on consumption and utilisation of food by ectomyelois ceratoniae zeller (lepidopteraAl-izzi, Mohammed A.J
1993Thermal processing of acidified vegetablesAslan, Aziz
2000Production et consommation d'agrumes dans le monde Evolutions et elements de prospectiveGriffon, Miche Miche*
2000In vitro testing of rose rootstocks resistance to crown gall diseaseZhou, Lin
1998Agrobacterium virD2 protein interacts with plant host cyclophilinsDeng, Wanyin
1999Behavior of a virulent strain derived from agrobacterium radiobacter strain K84 after spontaneous ti plasmid acquisitionLopez-Lopez, Maria José
1998The never ripe mutant provides evidence that tumor induced ethylene controls the morphogenesis of agrobacterium tumefaciens-induced crown galls on tomato stemsAloni, Roni
1996Etiology of crown gall on fruit trees in PolandSobiczewski, Piotr
2000Crown gall of grapevine SloveniaSabec-Paradiz, Marta
1999Cocolonization of the rhizosphere by pathogenic agrobacterium strains and nonpathogenic strains K84 and K1026, used for crown gall biocontrolPenyyalver, Ramon
1998The conjugal intermediate of plasmid RSF1010 inhibits agrobacterium tumefaciens virulence and VirB-dependent export of Vir E2Stahl, Lisa E.
Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 61 à 80 de 476