Université Blida 1

Numerical simulation of the FIC by the ANSYS code of the semi-elliptical cracks which can develop in the pressure vessels

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dc.contributor.author SAAD, Ayoub Abdelkhalek
dc.contributor.author Bouabdellah, hamza
dc.date.accessioned 2023-01-25T09:55:11Z
dc.date.available 2023-01-25T09:55:11Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri https://di.univ-blida.dz/jspui/handle/123456789/20652
dc.description 4.531.1.773. 50P fr_FR
dc.description.abstract Longitudinal cracks that can develop in pressure vessels are a critical hazard. These cracks are generally born in the discontinuities of the structure such as the weld joint. Through this study, a three-dimensional numerical model, using ANSYS software, is proposed for the calculation of the stress intensity factor (SIF) along the longitudinal semi-elliptical crack tip located in the wall of a pressure vessel. fr_FR
dc.language.iso fr fr_FR
dc.publisher blida1 fr_FR
dc.title Numerical simulation of the FIC by the ANSYS code of the semi-elliptical cracks which can develop in the pressure vessels fr_FR

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