In this study, a practical approach for the preparation of multifunctional composite films
by introducing nanoscale fillers into a polymer matrix was proposed. The nanocomposite
films were prepared in four distinct steps. The first step involved preparing films without
zinc oxide (ZnO) and CTAB. The second step consisted of incorporating zinc oxide
nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) into a hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC) polymer matrix. The third
step involved adding CTAB to the HPC polymer matrix. Finally, the fourth step included
adding both ZnO and CTAB to the HPC polymer matrix.
The results show that films made from HPC with a pH of 5 are clear. The transparency
of films containing the dispersant (CTAB) indicates complete compatibility between HPC
and CTAB at the concentrations used. On the other hand, the reduced transparency of films
containing ZnO reveals a complete incompatibility between HPC and ZnO at the
concentrations used. However, films containing both the dispersant (CTAB) and ZnO
demonstrate total compatibility between HPC, CTAB, and ZnO at the concentrations used.
These findings are promising and open interesting prospects for further research in this
field, aiming to gain a better understanding of the properties of composite films.
The study will be complemented by the following analyses: infrared spectroscopy (IR),
UV-visible spectroscopy, and optical microscopy.