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Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 181 à 200 de 476
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
1992Apparent immunity and tolerance to tomato big bud disease in lycopersicon peruvianum and in two of its tomato hybridsThomas, P. E.
1996Action des radiations de lumière rouge sur la survie et la tubérisation de germes de pomme de terre cultivés 'in vitro'Blanc, A.
1988A simple two-phase system for efficient in vitro tuberization in potatoLillo, Catherine
1988Abricot port naturel de l'abricotierJay, Michel
1985A review of the present status and future prospects os vicia faba L. in cyprusDella, Athena
1999Ingestion of yogurt containing lactobacillus acidophilus and bafidobacterium to potentiate immunoglobulin a responses to cholera toxin in miceTejada-Simon, M.V.
1998Yogurt Part 2Mann, Ernest*
1997Fortification of sweetened plain yogurt with insoluble dietary fiberFernadez-Garcia, Esterella
1999Rheology and microstructure of labneh (concentrated yogurt)Ozer, B.H.
1999Effects of pH, protein, fat and calcium on diffuse reflectance of milkLochte-Watson, K.R.
1990Food ingredients and the asian frozen dessert marketSwan, C.J.
1990The sensory properties of ice cream and frozen desssertsGuinard, J.-X.
1981The constituents of tomato fruit - the influence of environment, nutrition and genotypeDavies, Jack N.
1982Economic study of tomato paste productionMoresi, M.
1998Quality changes tomato concentrate productionTrifiro, Antonio
1998Suitability of tomato cultivars for processing into diced or crushed tomato productsLeoni, Carlo
1999Etude de la cuisson de deux produits modèles appertisésAmeye, Patrick
1999Monitoring of contaminating microflora in the production of tomato productsZacconi, Carla
1998Estabilidade do molho de tomate em differentes embalagens de consumoJaime, Sandra Balan Mendoza
1999Ocorrencia de fungos filamentosos termo-resistentes em polpa de tomate envasada assepticamenteBaglioni, Flavio
Les items dans la collection (arrangés par Date soumis en ordre Décroissant: 181 à 200 de 476