The main objective of this project is to evaluate the performance of some well-known topologies
that have been proposed for Networks-on-Chip including the mesh and torus. Whereas existing
studies have focused on the graph-theoretical merits of such topologies, our study examines the
performance of networks-on-chip taking into account the constraints imposed by
implementation technology. The most relevant constraint for networks-on-chip is the wiring
density of the chip. To achieve our goal, we have developed a simulation model using the
discrete-event simulation technique. Extensive simulation experiments have been performed
and the collected results indicate that while the bidirectional torus has superior performance
when technological constraints are ignored due to its richer connectivity, its performance
degrades considerably compared to the mesh once technological constraints are considered. Our
results also indicate that the 2D topologies are more suitable for networks-on-chip than their 3D
counterparts as they are a better fit for practical implementations.